Crystallography Applications

Crystallography method is used to study different materials that form crystals like salts, metals, minerals, semiconductors, as well as various inorganic, organic and biological molecules. It is also used determine the electron density, the mean positions of the atoms in the crystal and their chemical bonds, disorder and various other information. Crystallography has been a used widely for the extraction of compounds in milk and any other types of information obtained through structure function relationship. Although more detailed information from X-ray analysis has been secured from substances which are commonly known to be crystalline, it has been surprising to find substances commonly thought of as being non-crystalline as actually having a partially crystalline structure and that this structure can be changed by heat treatment, pressure, stretching, etc. Casein is an example of the latter class of proteins. Stewart has shown that even solutions tend to assume an orderly arrangement of groups within the solution.


  • Powder diffraction
  • Pre-clinical imaging
  • Molecular crystallography
  • Spectroscopy at Fusion Reactors
  • Surface Stress Measurements
  • Resonance Diffraction
  • Photo-Crystallography
  • High-Resolution Charge Density Studies
  • Micro crystallography
  • Semiconductors and Insulators

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